I am writing this letter to my brothers in the brotherhood—the brotherhood of believers who are disciples of Christ. Many of our brothers have not been on active duty in the war and instead have chosen to remain in the reserves. I encourage you to update your status from reservist to active duty.
The ranks of our Spiritual Warfare Operator battalions need replenishing. Many of our seasoned Spiritual Warfare Operators are retiring to Heaven. It is up to you and me to continue this glorious fight to RESIST THE DEVIL and SPREAD THE GOSPEL in our generation.
To all, beloved of God called to be Saints.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Brothers,
Do not be deceived by this so-called "cultural war." There is no culture war in America. There never was, and there never will be. It is, as it always has been—a spiritual war between God and Satan. The fight pits the disciples of Jesus Christ against Satan's ancient spiritual forces.
The Culture War in America: Hot Spots and Flashpoints
- Normalization of murdering babies.
- Healthcare workers became social workers.
- Educators act like parents.
- Acceptance of child abusers.
- Relatability between generations at an all-time low.
- Normalization of abnormal (anti-social) behavior.
- Altar of Science: people need to bow at the altar of science.
- People don't want to work anymore.
I understand the strong emotions this "cultural war" elicits from you. The heated conversations, the memes, the jokes, the silly videos making fun of the "other side." Brothers, this is all a distraction from the real war.
Don't be distracted by the Culture War
How is it a distraction? It is the time spent consuming news and events from the culture war. The focus on the culture war, which doesn't produce anything. The energy you spend debating and responding to other people engaged in this culture war. All those things end up being distractions. You are so busy, you spend your time focused on worldly things that don't add anything to the kingdom of God. Here is the problem when you spend all this time focused on this so-called cultural war.
2 Timothy 2:3-4 states that anyone who is on active duty in the spiritual war. Cannot, by definition, get involved in the affairs of this life. Before you choke on your bag of popcorn, I am not saying that you should not oppose abortion. It is obvious we, as believers, oppose the murder of babies.
But what is doom scrolling on social media going to help you achieve for the Kingdom of God? Because, let's face it, most of us are keyboard warriors. We spend much time on the phone talking about "how bad things" are out there. How nuts people are. How America has become this great dumpster fire of a country. But all these point back to sin.
So the question is, are you aware of the spiritual battles that are currently happening? Have you spent some time thinking about the source of all this stuff that is happening across America? I can only offer the Bible's answer to what is happening right now in America and across the world.
Brothers, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on how much time you are spending on this worldly affair.
The distraction is the extraction.
The Spiritual War: Real Battles, Real Consequences
We fight a spiritual war on a global scale. How do I know this to be true? Because in Ephesians 6:12 it says that we wrestle, we fight against all these things I mention below. Again, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, it mentions that we fight beyond the physical realm. Its scale is staggering, and the deployments of troops are never-ending, until the return of Jesus Christ.
Let's review what battles are being fought as we speak.
- Principalities: Angelic princes wrestle with Satan's princes over countries and specific areas of the world.
- Powers: The war is against Godless ideas that servants of sin make up to corrupt the truth. Those servants of sin are influenced and directed by evil spiritual beings.
- Powers of darkness: Pol Pot and Hitler come to mind. They oppress their citizens and disciples of Jesus Christ. This is because Satan and his princes influence and direct these evil people.
- Spiritual hosts of wickedness: Against the enemy, we cannot see—the demons who move around in the shadows corrupting and destroying lives.
Join the Fight: Enlist as a Spiritual Warfare Operator in the Spiritual War
God has called us to be soldiers so that we can:
- Endure hardship
- Please God
- Dont become entangled in everyday life
- Be strong in God
- Stand against Satan's deception
- Destroy enemy forces
This list describes active duty soldiers who also go by the designation of Spiritual Warfare Operators (SWO).
SWOs wear full armor. Their armor of God is also called the Grace ∞ kit. It provides perfect protection in this spiritual war. It comes with one offensive piece of kit called the Sword of the Spirit.
Who are these SWOs? They are people who:
- Repented of their sins
- Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God
- Believe that Jesus Christ rose on the third day and then ascended to Heaven to be with God the Father
- Believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God
- Obey God by meditating on the instructions found in the Bible every day
- Live a life that produces the fruit of the Spirit
- Glorify God in all things (no matter how big or small the task)
Anyone that does not believe that Jesus Christ is Lord remains a servant of sin.
At this point, I have noted several important things for you, Brother.
- The culture war is not the real war
- Engaging in the culture war is a distraction for believers
- Battles of the Spiritual war are real and require our attention as believers
- We need to shift from reservist status to active duty and strap on the full armor of God
- We need to become Spiritual Warfare Operators
What will you do? Will you put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-17) and join the Spiritual war? Are you ready to put the comforts behind you and endure the hardship (2 Timothy 2:3) of the life of a Christian soldier?
So many distractions Brother. I pray you will renew your mind and look to the Cross of Jesus. Our lives are brief, and there is so much we, disciples of Jesus Christ, have to do in our generation.
I encourage you to read the next post in this series and take a look at the mission of the Spiritual Warfare Operator. It is a glorious mission, one for the ages.
Stay well, brothers.
~ FA
Spiritual Warfare Operator Series
- The Culture War is a Distraction: Focus on the Real Spiritual War
- The Mission of the Spiritual Warfare Operator
- Spiritual Warfare Operator: Stop Hiding Behind Your Family and Mortgage
- Spiritual Warfare Operator: Armor of God – Belt of Truth
Stay Connected
- I talk about Preparedness, Christian Living, and Encouragement.
- You can find me on X and Instagram.
- Podcast: https://fatherabraham.podbean.com/.
- Blog: www.fatherabraham.co.
- Online store: https://shop.fatherabraham.co/
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