I write posts like this to inspire you to get out of your house, strap on your gear, and train with others. I desire to see the militia of the 1600s and 1700s return to America.
For too long, you and I have given up our personal responsibility and let daddy government (Full of women and sexual deviants) dictate to us what we could and should be doing.
The Next Generation
One of the great gifts the Lord bestows on a man is the gift of children. Blessed with three children, I follow the Lord's instructions and train them in righteousness.
My children will soon learn that life is warfare. In the spiritual war, they will need the courage to face their sins and the devils around them.
Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in his sight.
I Chronicles 19:13
While on this earth, my children will face evil and tyranny, which will require courage and training. I want to train my children in the old ways. They need survival skills, shooting skills, how to survive outdoors, and the ability to use modern technology.
The Holy Bible underscores how we must behave. We must move through life with courage, and I intend to pass this on to my children.
Support Father Abraham
Mountain Rucking and Fitness
• Lose weight. Then, lose weight again.
• Keep the weight of your gear down.
• Get ankle-height hiking boots; otherwise, you will injure yourself.

I love the mountains, but they are terrible to hike in with gear. Every pound is going to cost you. Up and down, navigating through boulder fields, downed trees, loose gravel, tall grass, streams, trees, and endless rocks that trip you up. But, on a positive note, the people who are opposing forces (Opfor) share the same experience with you.
Mountains are not fair or unfair, they are just dangerous.
Reinhold Messner
In my limited experience, mobility equals security. I try to run as light as possible to keep the weight down. The faster I can travel, the safer it will be for me. I don't use a plate carrier in the mountains. I try to limit the weight I carry with me to around 35 to 45 pounds.
- Chest rig = 12 pounds.
- Day pack = 15 pounds.
- Bush rifle = 1o pounds.