Imagine you are at a party, and the topic turns to creation and evolution. They may even throw in a side of climate change. You are not contributing to the conversation but politely listening in on it.
Somebody says, "I'm a Christian and believe in the bible, but I also believe in evolution." Or straight up, they believe in evolution and creation but think in different parts of each concept. Another great one is climate change. Christians that believe in capitalist money-raising inventive green programs. That pushes the narrative that the world will end because we are not taking care of the planet is another real kick in the pants. Maybe they are easily deceived because someone is playing Mozart's Requiem with their emotions. Who knows?
Here's the thing. That conversation happened among teenagers. But those teenagers used to be little kids once. Where did the parents fail to get them on the right path? Our kids need to understand that you can't cherrypick parts of the Bible. It is God's word. Suppose you claim to be a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Then you need also to believe everything in the Bible. This isn't a buffet line at Harry's Chinese restaurant, where you mix and match your beliefs until you get a dish you enjoy.
Your kids need you, as their father, to teach them the truth. I encourage you to take a break from work and the fifty other things on your mind. Look, I get it, man. It's one more thing you have to go do.
Can I encourage you to read the first verse of the Bible once again?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
Man, isn't that something? That's our Lord in action. Our king. Spiritual forces are working hard to attack you and your family. They are spreading lies and deception about our God and how he created this world and us. We must do everything we can to take this fight to the enemy.
I've said this in other posts. I view wholesome children's books as tools in my armory to fight the enemy. Nothing will replace the Bible; that should be obvious. But if you view wholesome books as tools to help you explain biblical concepts, you are doing your kids a huge favor. Because you can use these books to help prepare them for the concepts in the Bible and generate interest from your kids.
Suppose you have little children at home or grandkids and want to get a headstart to combat this deception. I suggest you buy the Creation, Dinosaurs, and the Ice Age collection from Big Sky Life Books to get started. This fantastic book collection includes five of the best creation-focused children's books. This collection works for kids ages 3 - 10 years old.
In case you weren't aware yet. Big Sky Life Books sells wholesome books for children.
Want to understand the benefits of this approach. First of all, you are planting seeds in your children. Seeds that you water over time. You can introduce creation and how God created the earth in a way that is easy to understand. These books help you talk about these critical topics at an early age. Lastly, you can combat the sinful ignorance of so many believers around the biblical truths of creation and the flood.

Creation, Dinosaurs and the Ice Age Collection
$74 Free Domestic Shipping Included
Ok, simple enough.
You order the books. Give your kids a chance to read them or leaf through the books. Then grab a book and read it out loud to them. You can read one book a night or read two books to them if the kids are energized. You want to talk about creation and then talk about it with your kids. You want to get to a place where your kids ask questions about this stuff. You want to get to a point where you are talking about creation, Noah, the flood, and why people start speaking different languages every week.
I promise that once you dig into this book collection with your Bible within arms reach. You will see the value of these wholesome books as tools to help educate your children. Don't forget the bible states that you, as a parent, are the primary educator. When you sit down with your kids, you teach the Bible faithfully. Just as God has asked you to do. And again, this is so important. You are putting your kids on the path to being disciples of Jesus Christ.
Do you know how this approach to challenging topics makes me feel? Like I'm winning.
We have to teach our kids that God has created this earth. That he is our creator. That he created Adam. Because of sin, we were cursed and forced to live a life of separation from God. That is because we are separated from God and living in sin. We needed to be saved from our sins, or we would die and go straight to hell. Only Jesus Christ, the son of God, could save us because he died on the cross for our sins.
Do you see now, how important it is to teach our children and those around us how important the topic of creation is? If we deny the act of creation and the fall of man. Then it sets our children up for a lifetime of deception and misery. We must establish early on in their lives that GOD IS OUR CREATOR. Why am I yelling-whispering in your ear? It's because I can't clasp your hand, look you straight in the eye brimming with conviction, to get that sense of urgency across to you.
It's Because it makes my heart heavy with sadness when I hear fellow believers struggle with this part of the Bible. It is absolutely glorious that God is our creator. Our children need to know today that God is the creator of all. Once they believe this, they will understand the rest of the Bible much better. But also can calmly deflect spiritual forces attacking them with worldly arguments that undermine the Glory of God. I don't like it when God does not receive the glory, nor should you.
We are fighting in a spiritual war. Let's surface that one bible verse we as men should never forget.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
We are in a war. Fighting SPIRITUAL FORCES OF WICKEDNESS. This means every day, we have to do something. Every day I have to read the Bible and pray. And I have to remind myself of this verse.
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
Ephesians 6:13
I encourage you to resist all that is evil. I encourage you to start with your children at a young age and talk about how God created the world in six days and then rested. Then the world became wicked, and the Lord flooded the entire earth how Noah worked on the ark for over 80 years with his family. (Ken Ham, that you, bro?). Why were people scattered across the earth after they started working on the tower of Babel?
You got this, man. Raise your kids with biblical truths.
Next steps - Visit Big Sky Life Books and reread Genesis.
Visit the Big Sky Life Books online bookstore. They sell wholesome books for children.
Find their book collection, Creation, Dinosaurs and the Ice Age, and start there.
Shipping is free in the United States. Start reading and sharing how God created the earth, and watch your kids or grandkids eat this stuff up.
Start rereading Genesis here online or pick up your Bible and be amazed.
Stay well, brothers.
~ FA
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