Brothers, here's the problem. A lot of you are not wearing your armor of God. Our Lord Jesus has ordered you to spread the Gospel. This mission is not optional. So you don't have a choice in the matter.
If you have not put on the armor of God, you will most likely fail at this mission. Why? Because the devil will attack you, you won't have the equipment to resist him. Get it? He will come after you because you are sharing the Gospel of peace, and he hates that.
When you don't wear your armor and go out on the battlefield, you will be attacked and could fall into a downward spiritual progression. You may become susceptible to deception from the Devil. Deception could lead to unrighteousness (sin) which results in confusion. Confusion may result in unbelief, which will result in a weakened state of faith.
A spiritual warfare operator (SWO) cannot start or continue the mission if in a weakened state of faith. We want to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ boldly. Do you want to be a successful SWO? Then put on your armor of God. The first piece of gear we will review is the Belt of Truth. Without the Belt of Truth, you will be easily confused and deceived by the enemy rendering your spiritual combat ineffective.
Military Metaphors
Brothers, I use metaphors to describe the armor of God. My metaphors use military gear and equipment that readers might be familiar with. It helps paint a picture for the men who desire to be SWOs or are currently active SW operators.
I do this because I want to frame the conversation in a way you can relate to. But I want to be clear. The Bible is the truth, and I can neither add nor subtract from the truth that is the scriptures.
Armor of God breakdown:
- Armor of God ≠AOG Kit
- Belt of Truth ≠Truth Belt
- Breastplate of Righteousness ≠B.O.R Plate Carrier
- Feet; Gospel of Peace ≠Gospel of Peace Performance Boots
- Shield of faith ≠SOF Ballistic Shield
- Helmet of Salvation ≠Salvation Combat Helmet (S.C.H Aeternus ∞)
- Sword of the Spirit ≠STS Rifle
Pilate Said to Him, "What is the truth?"
John 18:38
Belt of Truth
What is the truth according to the Bible?
The belt represents the truth. The Truth Belt is a piece of gear that every SWO wears. The Truth Belt holds the AOG Kit together. On the Truth Belt is an HB pouch. The HB pouch is marked with a cross with the words The Holy Bible written on it. Every SWO has on their Truth Belt an HB pouch for their Bible.
The Bible is a manual that the operator faithfully reads every day. Each operator looks at their Bible and believes that is God-breathed. There are no other truths other than those proclaimed in the Bible.
Why do operators need to know what the truth is? Operators operate in the treacherous terrain of this world. The enemy uses deception and lies to minimize the truth. They want to stop SWOs from sharing the truth with people who have not heard about the truth that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the way to everlasting life. But the enemy is constantly probing, and operators are always at risk of deception.
The Bible tells us what the truth is:
- Jesus is the truth (John 14:16)
- The Gospel is the truth (Colossians 1:5)
- God is the one true God (Isaiah 65:16)
- The Bible is the truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:160, John 17:17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Psalm 12:6)
- The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth (John 14:17)
- All the commandments and laws are the truth (Psalm 119:151)
Reference: John 14:16-17, Colossians 1:5, Isaiah 65:16, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:160, John 17:17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Psalm 12:16, Psalm 119:151)
Why Do You Need The Belt of Truth?
You cannot execute the mission of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ if you don't know what the truth is. Remember, it's not your truth. It is not your version of the truth. It is not someones else's truth, Jesus, your Lord and Savior, has clearly stated what the truth is.
Remember the mission? To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why does the world need our Lord and Savior?
Well, let's look at the Bible—specifically Romans 3. In this chapter, the apostle Paul wrote the following:
As it is written:“There is none righteous, no, not one; Romans 3:10 (NKJV)
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23 (NKJV)
Only those that believe in Jesus, confess him as Lord, and repent of their sins will have everlasting life. Jesus is the only way. He is the truth. The SW operator understands and believes this truth. It is what sets him apart from other people in this world.
How Do Biblical Truths Change Your Life?
Everything changes when you put on the belt of truth. You look at life through the teachings of the Bible. You understand the world much better. It's a world filled with sin. It's a world filled with sinners who, without the Gospel of Peace, will die and be thrown into the lake of fire. Unrepented sinners will burn in Hell and be separated from God for eternity.
Money, politics and the latest thing won't matter. The state of the world doesn't matter. It won't change unless the Lord Jesus himself returns from Heaven to end this world. The lines have been drawn. You, as an operator, might be in the world. But you are not of the world. (John 17:14-16)
Get it?
Every operator has this verse on the right sleeve of their armor.
He that is not with me is against me. Matthew 12:30 (NKJV)
On the left sleeve of their armor, it is written:
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32 (NKJV)
It affirms that biblical truths separate you from the servants of sin. From those people who have not yet repented of their sins. Who still serve in Satan's kingdom on earth.
Wearing the Truth Belt opens your eyes to the true state of this fallen world. Why are there so few spiritual warfare operators? Why is the road to Heaven narrow? Because we are operating in a world that loves sin and hates the Gospel of peace. SWOs are in enemy territory. You will find no friends or allies here.
The truth separates. The truth pulls apart earthly bonds. The truth shows you how little the earth's riches mean in the end. The truth doesn't sugarcoat what happens when you die.
All you have is Jesus, and you won't need anything or anyone else. And on this earth, you have the brotherhood. Love the brotherhood. Obey Jesus. Spread the gospel. Share the good news. But know this; it may feel like you are out there operating by yourself. The Bible says you are not though
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV)
Reference: John 14:6, John 14:17, Romans 3:4, Psalms 119:151, Colossians 1:5, Luke 11:23, John 8:44, John 17:17,
The Bible tells us what the truth is. No other books tell us the truth. Your favorite pastor or theologian doesn't provide you with the truth unless they base their teachings on Biblical truths.
What you tell other people your beliefs must come directly from the Bible. You don't have a version or interpretation of the Bible. The Bible is the Bible. Once again, I will remind you of what the Bible says is the truth:
- Jesus is the truth
- The Gospel is the truth
- God is the one true God
- The Bible is the truth
- The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth
- All the commandments and laws are the truth
I don't know about you. But the truth has set me free from a life of slavery to sin. It has set me free from spending an eternity in Hell. Why?
Always Christ. Thats it. That's the mission. You can't execute your mission without putting on the armor of God, being strong and courageous, doing it boldly, and spreading the Gospel of Peace.
Stay well, brothers.
~ FA
Spiritual Warfare Operator Series
- The Culture War is a Distraction: Focus on the Real Spiritual War
- The Mission of the Spiritual Warfare Operator
- Spiritual Warfare Operator: Stop Hiding Behind Your Family and Mortgage
- Spiritual Warfare Operator: Armor of God – Belt of Truth
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